Women’s Health in a Post-pandemic World

August 16, 2021

Women’s Health in a Post-pandemic World

While the pandemic has put a burden on all of us, studies show that it is particularly women whose well-being and economic security were hit hard by the Covid-19 crisis.


Already before the pandemic women were taking over three quarters of all unpaid domestic and care work that is done around the world. During the pandemic Homeschooling, Home Office and Caring for the family’s elderly piled up even more domestic chores and care work. While both men and women increased their unpaid work hours, it was again women who took over the greatest work share at home. At the same time, women are also the ones suffering most from the economic impact of the pandemic. In the U.S. and India, the female job loss rate was 1.8 times higher than the male rate throughout the pandemic.


These developments are hugely concerning not only because they have the potential to wipe out progress in gender equality but also because they are directly affecting Women’s Health. On the one hand, economic insecurity, and work overload are threatening women’s mental well-being. On the other hand, women’s physical health is endangered, too as women were more likely to have gone without healthcare than men throughout the pandemic. Worryingly, this development can be expected to continue since the high female workforce drop-out is going hand in hand with many women losing their health insurance.


Although it concerns half of the world population, women’s health has often been treated as a niche topic in politics, society, and medicine. The pandemic once again showed that it is women who hold the society together. If female well-being is endangered the whole society’s well-being is. Therefore, it is time that we have the discussion on how to design and progress wholistic women’s health in a post-pandemic world.


At the Digital Health Forum 2021 on September 9, Bayer G4A is hosting a Fireside Chat about Women’s Health in a Post-Pandemic World between the Health Economist Jane Sarasohn-Kahn and Sonia Millsom (Chief Commercial Officer Maven Clinic). Sounds interesting? Then do not miss out on the discussion on September 9 and register here for free.